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Untuk lift kit Toyota Fortuner / Vigo-revo / FJ cruiser / Prado 150-120 / Landcrusier 200 series
Untuk lift kit Toyota Fortuner / Vigo-revo / FJ cruiser / Prado 150-120 / Landcrusier 200 series
ada kendala di body mounting yang terlalu dekat ke posisi ban

Design Chasis Toyota untuk memenuhi std keamanan Ancap 5 , body mounting tengah sekaligus penahan ban , agar saat tabrakan ban tertahan chasis. jika mobil telah lift 2 inch , posisi horizontal ban sudah lebih tinggi dari chasis, dan jika " penahan ban " di potong, tak akan mengurangi fungsi penahan ban tersebut

Untuk Offroad betulan Chasis harus di potong atau di Trim .
Sayangi mobil anda Sayangi mobil anda!
Sayangi mobil anda!

Jika Anda memiliki SUV diesel, van, atau 4WD, kami harap Anda baca artikel ini ,karena apa yang akan kami katakan akan sangat mengejutkan. Tidaklah berlebihan untuk mengatakan bahwa ada risiko bahwa setiap tangki bahan bakar yang Anda masukkan ke kendaraan Anda membawa risiko kontaminasi air yang dapat menghancurkan seluruh sistem bahan bakar dan bahkan mesin dalam kilometer! Walaupun mengisi dari pertamnina bermerek/ minyak berkualitas Dan tidak terlalu sering bepergian - setiap kendaraan berisiko. Itulah mengapa sangat penting bahwa Anda memasang saringan tambahan solar tgs ke mobil anda

Jadi dari mana datangnya potensi kerusakan, dan mengapa Anda harus memasang tambahan saringan solar tgs kendaraan Anda? Masalahnya adalah dua kali lipat. Pertama, ada peningkatan jumlah kegagalan sistem bahan bakar yang disebabkan oleh air dalam diesel berkat tangki pertamina di seluruh negeri yang menua dan berkarat.

Jadi mengapa Anda tidak bisa mengandalkan filter bahan bakar pabrik Anda, terutama jika memiliki lampu peringatan untuk memberi tahu Anda ketika itu diisi dengan air? Masalahnya adalah saat lampu peringatan menyala, seringkali sudah terlambat. Pada tahap itu, ada peluang bagus bahwa air telah berhasil melewati filter bahan bakar pabrik Anda. Pada saat Anda berhenti di sisi jalan untuk menyelidiki, mungkin sudah terlambat dan kerusakan mungkin sudah dilakukan.

Untuk mobil diesel modren, injeksi commonrail adalah hal umum untuk mendapatkan HP dan torsi yg besar, cuma masalah terbesar dari mesin commonrail adalah kualitas dan kebersihan bahan bakar solar.

untuk mengatsi kualitas solar yg buruk , sangat disarankan memasang extra filter. pilihan extra filter juga ngak boleh sembarangan, harus sesuai sengan kapasitas mesin( Flow & Micron ). juga harus diperhatikan kualitas desain breket dan selang, yang mana breket dan selang sebaiknya tinggal pasang " plug and play "

- Satu-satunya Filter dengan 5 lapisan stratapore yg mampu menyaring emulsi ( air yg telah bercampur dengan solar )

- Satu-satunya Filter dengan 5 lapisan stratapore yg mampu menyaring emulsi ( air yg telah bercampur dengan solar )

- Extra Fuel Filter TGS memang didesain khusus untuk aplikasi sebagai Pre filter mesin kapasitas 8000cc – 500 hp

- Dgn Flow rate antara 90 GPH , tidak akan menyebabkan resistansi dari pemasangan extra fuel Filter ( untuk mesin 2500cc 170 HP Cuma membutuhkan 32 GPH )

- Stratapore memiliki daya serap kotoran yg besar & efisien ( 30 kali lebih besar dibanding saringan OEM biasa /cellulosa - capasitas hingga 72 gram ), sehingga bisa bertahan hingga pemakaian 30.000km

- Aplikasi pre filter tidak mencopot selang OEM & ukuran diameter selang tetap seperti OEM ( tidak terjadi hambatan di selang )

- Untuk aplikasi di mesin Tanpa Common rail, mengunakan FS1000 10 micron. pemasangan filter tambahan setelah filter utama OEM

- Untuk Aplikasi di mesin Common rail, mengunakan filter 10 micron absolut , pemasangan filter tambahan sebelum filter utama OEM

Suspension systems contribute to a tractor-trailer’s road handling and ride quality (the vertical acceleration to which a tractor-trailer is exposed). Keeping the tires in contact with the road as much as possible, suspension systems help minimize the amount of jarring (bumps, vibrations) for improved load-carrying ability, protecting the trailer and the freight inside from being damaged.
Wheels alignment reportWheels alignment report
Please see below email from our Local Sales Manager reporting the feedback to Kristian after one of our dealers install UCA001FA on his Hilux Revo ( he’s putting oversized tire too )

I’m not sure how important is wheel alignment in your market but it’s very important to do proper wheel alignment after raising the vehicle with suspension upgrade ( changing spring )

Untuk offroad malah akan mengurangi traksi LC200 mengguakan KDDS untuk non aktifkan swaybar saat offroad JK Rubicon memiliki fasilitas non aktif front swaybar via switch saat offroad .

Jika diganti ukuran lebih gemuk dengan asumsi berat mobil tetap / tak bertambah sesuai desain pabrik
 Penggunaan front swaybar lebih gemuk , handling menjadi under steer
 Pengganti rear swaybar lebih gemuk . handling menjadi over driver

Sway bars
This component mst be the least well understood component of suspension . or maybe just the easiest for people who don’t know suspension tunning to want to mess with . more often than not people looking for aftermarket sway bars just assume it’s an upgrade but generally have on idea why or how . often people seem to assume that a stiffer bar at one end of the car will increase traction at that end of the car . it would be a natura; conclusion . after all everyone believes that bigger sway bars increase traction but they really don’t . A stiffer sway bar at one end of the car will reduce traction at that end it is increasing the effective spring rate winch is transferring traction to the other end of the car . add a stiffer front sway bar and the car will become more understeery in the front and less oversteery in the back . if that’s what you want then the sway bar can be a good tuning tool . if you add stiffer sway bars front and rear it will reduce the amount of roll while maintaining similar hadling characteristics . if you cannot change spring rates up the a little bit . peronally if possible I belive one shuld try to get the spring rates asclose as possible then just fine tune with sway bars .
It is also good to remember that stiffer sway bars reducse roll but not pitch . so a car with stiffer springs ad softer bars will reduce both pitch and roll whereas slapping big sway bars on stock suspension will reduce roll but still have a lot of pitch . contraty to comments in other articles pitch is not a big thing to shoot for . naturally there is a happy balance and too much or too little of anything will become bad there is a common saying with macpherson suspension tuning and there is somr truth to it . the saying goes something like the best way tu get macpherson suspension to handle well is to keep if from moving . of course this is not litteraly true but it contains seed of truth . mapherson suspension does ot have the best geometry and gig changes in suspension travel tend to take toe , caster . camber , etc curves further from ideal . so while you do want the suspension traveling enough to absorb imperfections on the road and keep the tires as close as possible to optimal grip you don’t want a ton of pitch or roll as you come into a corner because the more your suspension travels the less ideal your geometry will likely become . if someone does find more pitch improves their turn in then it is likely that their suspension geometry was actually improved and that changing thestatic geometry with reduce pitch would probably produce even better results .
Another big misconption with sway bars is that they will try to lift the inside tire . often these people will believe that therefore a setup with stiffer springs and no sway bars would put more pressure on that inside tire , it is easy to think of things in that way but that’s just now how it works .
Think of it like this . weight distribution is dictated by center of gravity and G forces . so whether you were doing around a corner with zero suspension or with soft suspension and huge sway bar or stiff suspension and no sway bar the weight of the car pushing down on each tire is dictated by COG and cornering force . The sway bar is not pulling the inside tire up . it is reducing roll and keeping the inside of the car lower . it is true that if the car rolls . enough a sway bar will make it more likely for a car to actually lift a tire off the ground but with no sway bar there would still be zero weight on the tire . it might be resting on the ground but it’s ability to trun or accelerate would realy be no better .
The stiff . front spring no sway bar setup became very popular in the AW11 scne after a few people found success with it in particular classes of autox . I can’t guarantee I could build a more competitive setup tn that class of racing but that doesn’t change the fact that the threads and discussion of this setup are built on a lot of bad theory and correlation . so if you are looking for a competitive setup for that class of racing don completely dismiss if but if you are looking for proper technical discussion or accurate theory understand that just because someone wins races withy their setup does not mean they understand why or that it couldn’t be improved upon if they did . a lot of rasons given for getting rid of the sway bar in these threads are not true or technically correct and things I addressed above like someone assuming that a sway bar was significantly less ideal because it would reduce weight on the inside tire which is absolutely not true .
This C4AG article also recommends running different pads in the front to change braking bias . this is not really suspension related but this is a huge pet peeve of mine so I’ll add it in .